United Spinal Association – Disability Etiquette PSA
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Dear PSA Director:
There are approximately 17,730 new cases of spinal cord injuries each year in the United States. Vehicle crashes are the leading cause of injury, closely followed by falls. Acts of violence (primarily gunshot wounds) and sports/recreation activities are also relatively common causes. Further, more than 54 million Americans live with various types of disabilities.
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 was conceived with the goal of integrating wheelchair users and other individuals with disabilities into all aspects of American life, particularly the workplace and the marketplace. Sensitivity toward people with disabilities is not only in the spirit of the ADA, it empowers this population to pursue greater independence and quality of life.
Practicing disability etiquette and appropriately interacting with people with disabilities is an easy way to make wheelchair users feel welcome in all aspects of society.
This public service campaign and related website https://www.unitedspinal.org/disability-etiquette/, provided by United Spinal Association, were created to highlight the organization’s Disability Etiquette Booklet, which has been distributed across the country to thousands of businesses, schools, and organizations to erase the misconceptions about wheelchair users and ease the awkwardness that many experience when interacting with someone with a disability for the first time.
We hope that you will consider airing these animated television PSAs and radio PSAs. The radio spots feature Jose Hernandez and Andrea Dalzell, two United Spinal members and active wheelchair users who highlight ways to interact more effectively with wheelchair users.
Kill date: None
James Weisman
President & CEO
United Spinal Association
For more information, please contact:
Laura Pair, 4media group
laura.pair@4media-group.com or call 732-977-3675