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Dear PSA Director,
The USAID Center for International Disaster Information (CIDI) has announced the winners of the 14th Annual Public Service Announcements for International Disasters (PSAid) Contest. PSAid is a nationwide contest that calls on college students across the country to submit public service announcement (PSA) entries that demonstrate why monetary donations are the most effective way to support international disaster relief.
Every year, Americans learn about terrible disasters around the world—including hurricanes, earthquakes, and famine—and want to help people in need. But in their rush to assist, well-intended people can donate unsolicited goods that actually hinder aid efforts by clogging up supply chains and taking up valuable space needed for lifesaving supplies. They forget an important rule of disaster relief: Cash donations to relief organizations are the most effective way to help people impacted by disasters.
The needs of survivors can change rapidly. The best way to help them is to directly support relief workers who are saving lives on the ground. Monetary donations enable aid groups to quickly purchase culturally and nutritionally appropriate provisions close to the disaster site. They also help boost local economies and help cut down on steep shipping costs.
These enclosed winning :30 TV spots explain why “Cash Is Best” in helping aid groups respond to disasters. Your station can play a vital role in making sure survivors get the help they need, and that viewers receive the information needed to do the most good.
Media Contact:
Contact: Dan Schwartzberg
USAID CIDI was created in 1988 by the United States Agency for International Development Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance to inform the public about the advantages of giving monetary donations to relief organizations and warn about the risks of donating unsolicited material goods. Through its “cash is best” messaging, CIDI’s goal is to support donors and relief agencies as they work to provide quick, effective and efficient relief to people affected by disasters. CIDI provides donations guidance to individuals, groups, embassies, businesses and corporations. For more information about USAID CIDI and helping international disaster survivors, please visit USAID CIDI at